The login page requires a username and password, the username is an email address. To validate your credentials, fill the two fields in and press the "Sign in" button. The site will then validate the credentials, all going well you should then be directed to the default page. Otherwise an error messages will be displayed.
One main navigation, featured at the top left section of the site is used to simplify the processes for the user through out the web site.
Start by selecting Jobs from the navigation menu. On this page you will see there are two fields for you to start filling out the new job. The fields request that you enter the origin and destination of the job. Suburb name or an Address book entry are accepted. when you are ready to fill out the rest of the form, press the "Next" button. A new job form is presented which may already be partially filled out depending on the origin and destination details already enterred.
The form will automatically search for Address Book entries and suburbs matching the data enterred. Should the details not match a suburb or Address book entry exactly; a list of suburbs and/or Address book entries will be presented for the user to choose from. A selection by the user will automatically update the form.
Once the job origin and destinations have been chosen or filled in, the form requests that the job date and package details be filled in. update the default values if desired and press the Next button.
The form will then be validated, all going a well a list of services will be made available to you from which you can choose one. Now that a service has been chosen there are two buttons available to you which are Quote and Book Job.
The quote button will generate the cost of the job and display the results in the bottom right section of the form. The Book Job button will create the job and direct you to the confirmation page where your job number will be diaplayed. This can then be used as a reference number. Should the form not be valid, a message will be displayed.
You can search for jobs by navigating to the Jobs page where you will be able to find the search control. There are a few options to consider when searching jobs, they following options can be found in the drop down list; Search by Job Number, Customer Reference or Date Range. Choosing one of these options will modify the search input boxes automatically depending on the selection.
Input the job number, customer reference or data range that you would like to search by and click the Search button. The web site will then display the search results page displaying all jobs that are relavent to the search criteria supplied.
Enterring in a new address book can be done by navigating to the account page and either selecting one of the entries or selecting the link at the bottom of the entries Edit Address Book. The web site will then display the Address Book editing page.
The invoice search can be found by navigating to the Invoices and Payments page where you will be able to find the invoice search control. There are a few options to consider when searching invoices, they are; search by <code>Outstanding invoices or All invoices.
To further narrow your search, specify the date range you wish to search by enterring two dates into the date fields then press Search. On the other hand, to keep the search as general as possible, just click search, this will return all invoices.
The following formats are used when enterring dates into search fields; dd/mm/yyyy or, either format is accepted.